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Fetischvideo av en ung eskort och en pervers klient i Malmö

Fetischvideo av en ung eskort och en pervers klient i Malmö

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2020-08-15 · Fetish · 0 likes · 0 comments · {{total_views}} views · Stats


We can see an extremely perverse fetish video in which a special Swedish sex buyer gives enema for a young escort girl in Malmö. The camera screen is divided into two parts, one shows the escort's ass close-up, the other screen shows her face so that the viewer can see the reactions of the escort. The enema is done with a huge syringe, with which the client delivers several liters of water to the woman’s rectum. Looking at her face, she doesn’t enjoy the ceremony too much. The perverse punter injects water into her asshole several rounds while repeatedly trying to plug the syringe deep into the sex worker's asshole. At the end of the procedure, the sex buyer put an anal plug in the prostitute's asshole to prevent water from leaking out. Eventually, a lot of water explodes out of the escort ass. #fetish #escort #perverse #enema #malmö #syringe #sweden #sexworker

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