Review about Niko

Alexiso85 (46) · Norrköping · 0 💬 · 0

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Average rating


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Niko's reviews (32) >

Please Don't miss this wonderful nymph with a fairy voice that makes you fall in love. I arrived with dead of cold and he rubbed my hands with his warm body. She received me with a very sexy underwear and when we made love he treated me like I lost my virginity lol. I really loved everything about her and something no less important she is always naturally smiling!


Date of meeting2021-12-19
DurationHalf hour
Favorites enjoyed GFE, PSE (pornstar experience),
LocationNorrköping, Incall
Accuracy of photos
Physical apperance
Quality of incall location
Service provided
Value for money
Overall satisfaction
Would see again?
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